Emotions (warning, deep meaningful post ahead.)

Emotions? Good or bad, up and down, round in circles. Flying high on top of that all encompassing mountain or delving into the depths of the abyss. What are these feelings we can sometimes allow to take over our lives with such haste and control? Why is there so much pressure on us to feel a certain way and moreover why do we put so much anguish into our own beliefs and thoughts.

A human is born with a constant need to be wanted, to be loved, to be cared for. From a newborn we look up to our mothers, to those we can rely on and those who make us smile, in turn this makes us feel safe. To be in someones arms or simply held by another is enough to build the soul and watch those endorphins flow, after all, HUGS stand for Helping Us Grow Spiritually! Life is a constant craving for recognition and praise. At certain times in our timeline this fades and increases depending on our situations.

Some humans have a distinct lack in feeling and are some what selfish in a number of ways. This can be due to many years of independence, lack of a home life as a child or simply a want to hurt others and push the ones that could be the perfect support and dream partner/friend away as a consequence. Many of these lifeforms end up lonely and loveless as a result of this behaviour and often turn to alcohol or other methods of escape allowing their bodies to slowly rot away. Such a sad existence, this is why we need to help control and nurture these souls as often as we can. Whereas others can be overtly loving and open with their feelings, enough so they are often the ones left hurting or broken hearted in many of life's situations. The sensitive caring soul is a hard one to find and also a hard one to grow. Do not break their heart or take these people for granted. Their loyalty will know no bounds but also their sadness is unlocked with a simple key. As beings we need to encompass all feelings and allow our spirit to know freedom in the maintenance of all human relationships.

The need for comfort food to help control a stressful situation may at first seem like the only way, and do not get me wrong, I am fully in support of the fact, a cake a day may keep the sad thoughts at bay! But this is simply a craving, that, in the long run may make us feel even more down about ourselves and our insecurities. Next time you reach for the cookie jar. Have a think, try and snack on some fruit, or have a meal first to make sure you satiate your appetite before eating the entire chocolate cake.

Another situation that someone is restless and insecure is a need for praise or positive comments from other humans on social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook etc. Many times I have seen posts and picture uploads from friends saying, and I quote "Out on the town tonight, so happy right now" This is a need for others to comment the inevitable "Wow you look so great" or "Oh my god you look so content right now" When hours previously, they have been crying down the phone to me about a boyfriend who has broken their heart. Why do we have that need to put on a front? Why not just show that weakness? Why not share that we are hurt by our partner or friends? Its not fair to make others feel inferior in anyway and the thought process that goes into, "Oh its ok he or she isn't going to go anywhere, I can do what I want" hurts. We need to be strong and evade people emitting this negativity onto us, strength does come with age as does emotional knowledge, at the age of 28 and after being through a host of situations in my life, proving even if you give someone the world and the unrequited love you feel they deserve, it will still come back and kick you in the arse. You must stand up for yourself and make others realise your not as disposable as they may think, at the end of the day either partner is not totally safe and each should never forget the other could leave at the moment they realise there is more to life. Sometimes I curse the soul that invented lying! But other times I celebrate the fact I can tell a little porky pie on occasion to escape an awkward situation.

The next time you feel a moment of sorrow or pain. Do what I do. Do not let that issue get to you. Let it breeze over your head. It is not worth killing those brain cells that die in the process of stress. Grab a hairbrush, put on your best dress, red lips and heels. (Men you can also do the same if the moment takes you) Dance, sing, jump about as loud and hard as you can to your favourite tune of the moment forgetting the world exists. "Dance as if no one is watching, love as though you have never been hurt, sing as if no one can hear you and live as though heaven is on earth" Then, after your mad half hour is over, put your comfy clothes back on, sit on the sofa, lay back and let a good old rom com envelope your soul. Also PUT THAT MOBILE PHONE DOWN, even get someone to hide it for an hour. Let go of all contact and ignore social media. Even when you wake up in the morning, stop the first sight when you open your eyes being Facebook, maybe look at the beautiful sky or make a cup of tea and sit in peace, if only for ten minutes and think today will be a good day, I'm alive, I'm healthy and I have a lot of people around who love me.

Always try to stay positive and true to yourself. Never let others change you and never let others control you and your thoughts. Believe in yourself and your dreams.


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