Politics, the simplified way for us normal humans.

Politics, like marmite, either love or hate the subject. Its a thing, always has been, probably always will be. Since a certain Mr Fawkes tried to convulse its empowering walls to the modern day tourist insistent on taking a selfie outside Westminster's hallowed towers. The secrets those walls hold are never to fall upon our ears however I am here to simplify an incredibly overwhelming, elitist subject. Im going to attempt to bring politics into the 21st century and explain it in a language even the humblest of fellows will understand.

Left or right wing, home or away, backbencher or lobbyist. Sounds a lot like football terminology if you ask me. So for the purpose of this article, what if we were to think about politics like football, yes the majority of us still do not understand the offside rule, lets just call this the right of passage in politics. As for an election, although we have a number of different political representatives to vote for, such as Labour, Conservative, UKIP, Liberal Democrats, Green or Scottish National Party. For the majority of balloting there has always been two clear front runners, our two integral, appetent teams fighting it out for the big trophy. More often than not, these are referred to as the left wing or right wing parties.

The left wingers such as Labour and the Green party aim to protect and nurture those who cannot fight for themselves. Developing a strong understanding amongst the working to middle classes which encompasses 69% of the British population. With beliefs in equality and taxing the rich to help the underprivileged in our society, not forgetting the establishment of the NHS by the Labour party. A free healthcare service we all turn to in times of need, and the offset of our tax which goes to aid the progression of this service is little compensation to the NHS in terms of what medical care actually costs, for example the USA a country not fortunate enough to have this system, if uninsured, patients can be slammed with a $25,000 medical bill for a minimal hospital stay and operation. So count yourselves lucky the next time you find yourself complaining about a simple thing like booking an appointment at your local GP.

The Right winged competitors for example, Conservatives and UKIP value a countries traditions and believe in business not being regulated and economic freedom. For example, the richer amongst us in upper or elite classes, should not necessarily aid the country in its quest to becoming a welfare state, they should use their hard earned money to progress their lives and that of their own. The harder the individual works the more they can afford better facilities, life and ventures for them and their family, without a belief in  paying higher taxes to aid those less fortunate or with less opportunities. It is important to them to keep a countries values alive which is an understandable goal. The Conservative party inducted us into the EU formally known as the ECC. Which is an agglomeration of European countries dedicated to working together to ensure business, trade laws and economic situations across Europe are sustained to a suitable level. A great benefit to us as a country whilst going through the recession of the 1970's but in this modern age it is something which is now being questioned a great deal and has recently come to the forefront in todays European deficit situation.

Every 5 years an exuberant, cataclysmic event occurs which is known as a general Election. A time when the country unite to designate a new government for the next 5 years, known as a term in office.  This fateful day on the 7th of May, will change history for another quinquennial. After hearing many a bickering grown man fight it out over who will promise the earth to achieve the votes in the two month lead up to this point, we are generally sick of hearing from all the parties and analysing their fighting talk. The majority cannot wait for this to be over, and from the stress it causes, my guess is the MP's feel the same on this state of affairs.

We each place our vote depending on who we believe can and will fulfil their duty as Prime Minister to the country and who will best serve us, the general public, for the next period of economic growth, deficit stabilisation and affordable housing and education for all! We can but dream I suppose....

 Each party will present a manifesto, this is a spoken declaration from a person or party to further detail what they believe is needed and wanted in order to create a better Britain. A list, almost, of key exploitive points outlining a future plan of change and efficiency which said party believe will gain votes and explore a need for change. Our job is to listen, consider and judge who we believe has the best manifesto not only for us but for the whole of the United Kingdom. Plus it helps to look into the body language of each political genius to see who we feel can commit to their policies and sincerely act on their words. Something which does not always happen when power is gained.

With only 49% of people aged between 18 and 34 placing their vote on the future of our country, we are not letting our voice and our opinions be heard. Be this because we have a lack of understanding on this subject or simply a lackadaisical attitude towards politics and the way the United Kingdom is run. With the general consensus that, it doesn't affect me so why should I bother. Do you go to University? Do you have a job? Do you go to the Doctors? Do you drive a car? If the answer to any of these questions is yes then politics does affect you, so much so, a simple trip to the shops to buy a chocolate bar is all affected by budgets and the way our countries businesses are owned and run. In the run up to this election have a read through what each party stand for and contemplate what you would like to see Britain become and what changes need to be made to the way we run our everyday lives, if any. Analyse some manifestos and envisage how the cost of a tuition fee may affect you in the future, or how the price of petrol bears a ramification upon each and every mile we take as we meander down the river of life in our crazy quest for fulfilment.


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